Hi-End CD player using a CDROM

the CDROM Controller kit

by Mr. Sakda Eamkulworapong

It is possible to build a Hi-End CD player using a normal PC CDROM.

To use a CDROM without a PC it is necessary a uProcessor to emulate the ATAPI command protocols through IDE bus.

If the spdif output of the CDROM is connected to a good DAC the sound quality will be at the same level of many hi-fi and hi-end products.

Actually we have 3 different board models:  the first two are standalone CDROM controller and the other is able to play also mp3 files.

All the boards have the following functions:

and a Sony remote command.

All the boards use a uProcessor, Atmel AT89C52 with a clock at 11.0592Mhz.

The Display is a 16 characters * 2 lines LCD and VFD are compatible.


Board version 1.0

This is a pure cdrom controller kit including the following parts:

To see an example of complete CD Player using this board:


Board version 2.0

This is a pure cdrom controller kit including the following parts:

To see an example of complete CD Player using this board:


Board mp3 version

This board use a STA013 as MP3 decoder and the Philips TDA1543 DAC.

The kit include the following parts:

and this is able to play MP3 formatted at 96k-320k.

To see an example of complete CD Player using this board:

P.S. WMA is not supported.


To complete the CD player you need only a simple transformer and a chassie.

To order this kit send email to: Sakda Eamkulworapong